Gmail can now tell Your Co-Workers You are on Vacation Before They Email You!

Nov 28, 2019

Imagine a situation where you have sent a mail to your colleague asking for some help and now eagerly waiting for their reply. Only to realize later that they are on leave!! You wish for a way that there was something that could inform you about his absence from work. Well, worry not, Google is trying to make this happen. It is launching a feature for its G Suite (paid Gmail/Docs/Hangouts/Calendar/etc. plans for businesses) users. If you’ve marked yourself as “Out of Office” on your calendar, your colleague will get a heads up before they email you. The heads up comes in the form of a little yellow banner that hovers right above the Send button, alerting the sender that you’re currently out of the office, and when you’re set to return.
A similar message will pop up if they try to message you in Hangouts, too. But then you probably don’t want your every spammer who tries to email you to know your travel plans, so Google has a solution for that too: the Gmail/Hangouts heads-up functionality will only work with G Suite users that have already been granted access to your calendar. If you don’t like the concept or the banner hinders your workflow for some reason, you can disable it too— go into the “Access permissions” section of your Google Calendar settings, and turn off “Show Calendar Info in other Google Apps.”
      Google is planning to roll out this feature for all G Suite users by September 16th, so enjoy your vacation or day-off without typing that mundane email autoresponder when you are going to be away from work!

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